Sunday, June 10, 2018

Contraception and Pregnancy Prevention

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Why use Contraception and Pregnancy Prevention?

As teens mature, it becomes their decision whether or not to have sex. Those who become sexually active are also in risk of getting pregnant or getting a sexually transmitted disease. Using contraception and pregnancy prevention, can help prevent unplanned pregnancy's or STD's. 

How many Options do you have?

The number one way of preventing pregnancy is through abstinence. Although, there are other methods one can use. Some contraception options include birth control pills, birth control rings, birth control shots, birth control patches, an IUD, or condoms. Each method has a different way of being applied and the effectiveness. 

  • Birth Control Pills and Patches

Birth control pills are daily pills that contain hormones that change the way the female body works to prevent pregnancy. Females that use this method, are required to take these pills every day at the same time for it to work. If a female misses even one day of the birth control pill, the chances of getting pregnant increase by a lot. In a year, an average of  9 out of 100 couples will get pregnant using this method. Even though it can prevent pregnancy, it does not prevent against STD's. 

Birth control patches are thin patches that attach to the skin to release hormones into the blood stream. This patch has to be changed once every week for three weeks in a row for the process to be efficient. The method is as effective as the birth control pill. Just like the pill, the patch does not prevent against STD's.

  • Birth Control Rings and Shots

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 Birth control rings are soft, flexible rings that are inserted into the vagina. It releases hormones that affects the ovaries and uterus to prevent pregnancies. The rings are to be used every three weeks. Studies show that over a course of a year, about 8 out of 100 couples can get pregnant. Although, the ring does not prevent STD's.

Birth control shots are long-acting forms of the progesterone hormone that prevents ovulation and pregnancy. The shot is given as an injection every three months. This method is very effective. It doesn't not prevent STD's but studies show that fewer that 3 out of 100 couples get pregnant.

  • IUD

Image result for IUD cartoonAn IUD is a piece of T-shaped plastic that is placed inside of the uterus to prevent pregnancy. There are two types of IUD's: a copper-coated IUD and a progestin-coated IUD. The copper IUD can work for ten years and the progestin IUD can work for three to five years. This method is extremely effective. In a year, fewer than 1 out of 100 couples will have an accidental pregnancy. Even though it is very effective, it doesn't prevent against STD's. 

  • Condoms

Image result for female and male condom cartoonCondoms are the only form of contraception that can prevent against pregnancies and STD's. Condoms are thin pouches that prevent sperm from getting into the vagina. Male condoms are worn on the penis while female condoms is inserted into the vagina. These condoms can only be used at the time of sexual intercourse. After using it, it has to be thrown away. Using condoms is not as effective as the other contraception's. About 15 out of 100 couples who use male condoms will have an accidental pregnancy and about 21 out of 100 couples using the female condom will have an accidental pregnancy. It is smart to use condoms while using another form of contraception such as the birth control pills to                                                                decrease the chances of getting pregnant. 

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